Ink Market Requirement, How To Participate in Inksnation Market

Dec 13, 2020 11:25 PM

Note, the inks market is an open place for all inksnation members in the zone to buy and sell so far as you meet up with inks market modalities. this market will last for seven good day in all 36 state in Nigeria

To qualify and participate for inksnation market, you have to meet up the requirement needed.

You must be a verified member of inksnation [inks brother or sister]

Come with your inksnation pinkard. Remember know pinkard, you will not entry into the Inksnation

It's based on first come first serve, this is due to avoiding issue that the children's strength may not be able to handle.

You must come with your face mask. and face mask would be sold at the gate of the market

Master your inksnation login detail to avoid stress

it is must that you follow the directives given to you by the security personnel at the market venue in other to keep the market peaceful and orderly.

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