BREAKING NEWS : NPOWER DEPLOYMENT START NOW -check our blog for necessary instruction

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Npower Batch C applicants are to check their NASIMS portal for their deployment status, you are advised to just click on the tab so as to locate your place of primary assignment, you will also see your entitled monthly stipend ( if it is 30,000 or 10,000 monthly salary) and you should see your PPA letter, this you are advised to download (see attached screenshot).Npower PPA latter

Npower Deployment Update– NASIMS Npower Batch C Applicants Get Ready

Update on n-power,  Npower batch c deployment starts.

Nasims Npower Batch C Deployment And Selection

To check your deployment status, go to NASIMS N-power portal.

Screenshot Of The Message Sent By Npower to Batch C Applicants For Deployment Read more of this post
