S** EDUCATION Does Vagina Size Matter?

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The vagina is an internal organ with a complex ecosystem, influenced by circulating hormone levels which change during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause.

Around and after menopause, there are normal changes in the growth and function of vaginal cells, as well as the vagina’s microbiome (groups of bacteria living in the vagina). Many women won’t notice these changes. They don’t usually cause symptoms or concern, but if they do, symptoms can usually be managed.

Doctor uche from teaching hospital:
I suggest learning about human reproductive organs & getting some basic sex education knowledge before you contemplate sexual conquest.

Also once a girl reaches adulthood she becomes a woman, so I’d hope that you are wishing to have sex with a woman & not a girl.

From this question alone, I predict it’s unlikely you will be able to find anyone to “fuck” until you’ve educated yourself about sex & improved the way you view women.
Published from Blogger Prime Android App
anonymous: A vagina is like an expandable tube, it can fit tampons snugly & it can stretch enough to give birth to a baby. Unless your erect penis is smaller than a tampon, I imagine your “dick” will be fine inside a vagina should you find someone willing to have sex with you.

Answer from anonymous sender: Women have vaginas large enough for a baby to pass. They are all going to have a vagina larger than your penis. It is a simple fact of life. Try to forget about it and get on with life.

Anonymous: The first step in the process is to go back to school and learn the, ahem, ins and outs of grammar and the English language.

“Our ability to understand size as it relates to sexual function is poorly understood,” says Christopher Tarnay, MD, director of the division of female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at the UCLA Medical Center.

It Changes
The vagina is a very “elastic” organ, says Christine O’Connor, MD, director of adolescent gynecology and well women care at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore.
